Robert Farr and George St Planning have over 30 years of experience in the financial planning and accounting industry.
Starting as part of our accounting firm Russell R Farr & Associates, George St Planning grew from the ongoing need to supply our clients with additional financial planning advice. Originally a combined business of accounting and financial planning over 5 years ago due to the growth of the financial planning business George St Planning separated from Russell R Farr & Associates to become a standalone financial planning business.
George St Planning’s extensive experience is sourced from a team of dedicated, educated advisers and support staff whose aim is to help you reach your goals.
Our aim is to help our clients achieve their life goals with ease and certainty and empower them with the knowledge to make financial decisions for their future.
Why Choose Us?
Through continued training or staff at GPS aim to be able to offer you update knowledge and expertise surrounding the financial planning industry.
Our ongoing relationship with our accounting firm Russell R Farr & Associates allows us to offer additional tax planning services which benefit our clients and their financial goals.
For more information about our financial planning services please go to our website